The High River Spray Park is open for the year as of Monday, July 6.

The Town says they'll open up the spray park from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and again from 3:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., seven days a week.

The Town is limiting the total number of people allowed to use the park at any one time to 100.

Signs will be posted regarding the new rules around the use of the spray park during the pandemic.

New entrance and exit gates are being installed, and park users are being asked to use the proper gates.

The washroom will be open, and the Town says they're still expecting people to maintain a six foot distance.

From the Town of High River:

Parents and guardians of children are reminded of your responsibility to monitor children in your care and ensure they follow health guidelines while enjoying the Spray Park.

While people are asked to self-regulate, there will be regular monitoring to ensure adherence to these rules. Observed non-adherence may result in the park being closed temporarily.

To ensure safe use of the Spray Park, residents are asked to follow health guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

-A new exit gate is being installed. Please enter and exit using the proper gates.

Using Washrooms:
-Make sure to wash hands thoroughly after using the washroom.
-Please refrain from extended stays to reduce the number of washroom breaks needed.

-Physical Distancing of 2 meters, or 6 feet must be maintained.
-People sitting together must be from the same family / cohort.
-Maximum Users: 100 – Self-monitor your time and pay attention to use.

We are excited that everyone can enjoy the Spray Park and other parks.

Parks staff are making sure they are in safe working order and have increased regular cleaning and disinfection routines to decrease the risk of transmission.

All use of park equipment and infrastructure is at your own risk.

The COVID-19 pandemic remains a threat.

Park users must be aware of their roles to prevent the spread and to ensure the Spray Park remains open for enjoyment.

As a reminder, the Spray Park opens when temperatures are 18°C or higher, barring any inclement weather conditions.


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