It's Winter Walk Day across Alberta.

Recreation Administrator and Programming Supervisor in High River, Tracy Morgan says going for a walk is a great way to stay healthy.

"Winter Walk Day was an initiative set out by Shape Alberta to try and remind Albertans that even though it's the middle of winter we can still get out there and walk, being outside in nature, even in a little bit of cold is great for our minds and our bodies and so they dedicated the first Wednesday of every February to be Winter Walk Day," she says. "It's a time for communities to challenge one another and see who can get the most amount of minutes of walking in."

The Bob Snodgrass Recreation Complex is operating under reduced hours so it won't open until 8 a.m. and will close at 8 p.m.

The walking track will be open and there will be coffee and cookies for anyone participating in the walk.

Anyone who walks, whether at the Rec-plex, or elsewhere, should call and register their minutes walked by calling 403-652-4042.

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