PHOTO: (Charlie reading the story of  "Pekisko Pete" to a young captivated group)

This is a morning that started early for me at 4:15 am and I have to tell you it was cool firing up that truck today.

A command start would have been perfect for today but I don't have that feature and I think I should on mornings like this morning.

I enjoyed as a child cold mornings and walking to play hockey and enjoy the day, but to go to work in the cold not as much.

Tomorrow I am hoping Pekisko Pete our "resident rodent" gets the message and doesn't see his shadow this year.

An enjoyable temp above 0 for the remainder of 2022 would be fine with me folks.  Join us tomorrow and hear what Pete says with his forecast.

Just after sun up Pekisko will call us once out of his comfortable Lair to either see or not see his shadow.  Pete says his shadow is a little larger this year.

Patti will have to put him on a diet for next year.