This weekend is an exciting one! 


On Saturday, I'm heading to Vulcan for Spock Days!  Never having been to this event and having heard so much wonderful things about it, I can't wait!  Sadly though, I don't have a costume...Spock Days starts bright and early, at 7:00am, with a pancake breakfast and slo-pitch tournament.  Then afterwards, it's the Annual Parade, this year's theme: CSI.  At 12:00, Garrett Wang from the new Star Trek is going to make his appearance!  I'll be leaving around 1:00pm, but the FUN will continue far into the night!


On Sunday, you'll find me at the Bar U Ranch for their Chuckwagon Cook-Off.  It starts at 1:00pm.  You can come and sample the competitors version of beef stew and biscuits cooked over an open camp fire just like they did 100 years ago!  And apparently, some really unique meats are rattle snake...

I'll be there from 9:00am - 2:00pm.


Make sure to get out and enjoy the Foothills this weekend!

