The grain elevators in Nanton just won some money through a national contest.

The grain elevators are now known as the Canadian Grain Elevator Discovery Centre, and they were in the running to win $50,000.

Called 'The Next Great Save' and sponsored by the National Trust for Canada, there were a dozen projects across the country you could nominate.

Board member with the Canadian Grain Elevator Discovery Centre, Pam Woodall, says while they didn't take top honours they did win some money.

"So, it wasn't so much a fundraiser as a contest, a popularity contest really since we were looking for votes from the general public. The Nanton Grain Elevators ended up in third place and that got us $5000."

Woodall also explained that's a drop in the bucket as far as the ongoing renovations go but it helps to recover the $5000 loss they suffered on account of thieves last year.

"Just the cables were stolen and that was pretty close to a 5000 dollar hit so, it certainly will help with quite a few projects we have on the go."

While the contest has wrapped up, Woodall says there are still ways you can help support their cause.

"Shirts that we've done for the grain elevator are wonderful images by one of our board members, Lori Stuart, we have those on shirts and hoodies and those are available at a couple different places and at most of our events. And as well, we have a music concert coming up in the grain elevators on May 24 with Allen Dobb.  He has played in Nanton before and he's just an amazing singer-songwriter.

And so, every time we do any event at the elevator like a music event or even just when we're open for tours we absolutely benefit from people coming and buying a ticket or taking a tour and making a donation at that event or even online. That donation button is always active."

To buy tickets or find out more, just go to their website.