The Town of High River is doing their best to be pro-active during the COVID-19 crisis.

However Mayor Craig Snodgrass says a lot of that falls into the hands of residents.

He says one thing we can all do is stop the spread of not just the disease, but potentially harmful rumours.

"Be very, very careful about rumours. If you don't know don't be spreading it around. Don't be Facebooking your knowledge. It just gets things spiralling out of control and then others have to follow it up and try and do damage control for their business. It's very unfair. So I want to be very clear about that, to be respectful of everybody in this community about what you're doing on social media."

Snodgrass says he wants to remind residents to support as many local businesses as they can at this time, as it's the only way to keep them going and keep people employed.

Despite closures of some businesses in High River, a fair number of them are remaining open.

Snodgrass says we need to do our part to support small businesses as best we can during this outbreak.

"Our businesses need your support right now, even if you can't access some of them. Most you still can. In downtown High River the shops are still open, most of the restaurants have the capability of providing services to a number of people and there's plenty of parking, because not too many people are working downtown because they're all working from home. So, you can't use that one folks!"

Snodgrass says a mall in Calgary or Costco is the last place you want to be right now as they're mass gathering spots.


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