I am a big fan of Pintrest and I stumbled upon this wonderful picture the other day...

One of the reasons I adore my job so much is because I am a genuine music lover and this quote just resonated.

Music is therapy to me, there is always a song out there to match how your feeling or touch your soul just where you need it, and sometimes you come across a song that just makes you smile. 

Today I took a minute to watch Brett Kissel's newest video for "Something You Just Don't Forget" and it did just that, made me smile, like full on big grin, if you don't stop your cheeks will hurt, smile!

Brett and his lovely wife, Cecilia's love and happiness translates so well it just pops out of the screen at you!

I love it and you can't help but smile as you watch and listen.

You might not believe me at first but keep watching...trust me! lol

Hoping this sends a smile your way!

Cheers! and thanks for the great video Brett!
