Well, it could finally be here, by next week the temperature will be in double digits.

Won't it be nice to bask in the real vitamin D rather than taking the tablets for it?

Thursday weather forecast says, "20 degrees".  Giddy Up for that I can't wait to

be able to enjoy the outdoors and breathing in that fresh air we all know and love.

What do you like most about the first part of Spring?  For me it's the sun and

fresh grass and knowing the lawn mower is close to needing gas and a clean

rear bag.


The Windmill Theatre group are firing up the new production this weekend and

it's a comedy, "The Adams Family".  This show was always a part of my week

and the Monster Mobile was on my bucket list to have one day in my drive way.

Tickets are available at the Memorial Centre for the production and tickets for Dinner

Theatre go quick so make sure to get yours if there are any left?  Click the link below

for ticket information etc etc.



The Saints take on the home town Oilers at The Pason Arena tonight in Okotoks. 

The Oilers do not want to be gracious hosts because they need a win or they are

done for the year.  Go Oilers, let's make this game 6 happen!

oilers saints apr14 2018 005

Have a great weekend.

