It's finally time for the new council to take their seats at the table.

Mayor Tanya Thorn says things will be a little different than the most recent meetings of the previous council.

"We will be kind of a hybrid actually, so council themselves will be in chambers."

Only a few other people including admin staff and the livesteam team will be in the room.

It will continue to be a virtual experience for the public.

"Our plan is to try and keep council in chambers as much as possible. It just makes it better for us to be able to function as a team and get to know each other as a team if we are in the same space."

Monday will consist of not only their organizational meeting but also a regular council meeting.

In the organizational meeting, they'll decide seating arrangement in the chamber and committee assignments.

She says the regular meeting is looking to be a nice introduction to the role of councillor.

"It's a relatively small agenda."


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