High River's Town Council just approved new changes to its outdoor water use and restrictions bylaw.

At Monday's regular Town Council meeting the bylaw upgrades were passed that set up new restrictions as all of Alberta prepares for a drought this summer.

Mayor Snodgrass said we have to prepare and protect our water.

"High River is fortunate with access to a great supply of water. Having a long-term water strategy is one of Council’s strategic priorities. With multiple water shortages across Alberta, the province is one stage away from declaring a provincial water shortage emergency. It’s critical that we work together to protect our water supply now and for the future."

Here's a snapshot look:

  • Level 1: Watering hours and days are set out for odd and even addresses in the Town.
  • Levels 2 and 3: Outline increasingly restricted water use.
  • Level 3: Most restrictive, with reductions to water use applied to residential properties and businesses such as car washes, greenhouses, and golf courses.
  • Municipal enforcement and penalties will apply at each level.

Mayor Snodgrass notes that High River can be seen as a leader in water conservation if we work together:

“High River is already seen as a leader in flood mitigation. We can lead the way in conserving water too, however, it is essential that everyone – residents and businesses alike – do their part. Don’t focus only on what the bylaw tells us to do. We each need to take steps to do more, to be accountable for our water use every day.”

Here are some of the changes under Level 1:

  • Odd numbered street addresses may irrigate on Thursday only. Even numbered street addresses may irrigate on Wednesday only.
  • Automatic Irrigation systems to be programmed to run between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. only on Watering Day. Manual Irrigation may occur between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. hours only on the Watering Day. Total water usage must be 20% less than used during the normal water use period.
  • Town Parks shall reduce water consumption by 20%.
  • Golf courses shall reduce their total Irrigation water use by 20%.
  • Agricultural customers shall reduce their consumption by 20%.

Here are the changes under Level 2:

  • Hand Watering only is permitted.
  • Total water usage must be 50% less than used during the normal water use period.
  • Town Parks shall cease all Irrigation activities.
  • Golf courses shall reduce their total Irrigation water use by 50%.
  • Agricultural customers shall reduce their consumption by 50%.

And here are the changes to Level 3 restrictions:

  • Use of Town-supplied water for all forms of lawn and garden watering is prohibited.
  • Town Parks shall cease all outdoor watering.
  • Golf courses shall reduce their total Irrigation water use by 90%.
  • Agricultural customers shall reduce their consumption by 90%.

The entire media release can be seen here.