Foothills County is already looking ahead to phase two of its water treatment plant near Aldersyde.

Reeve Delilah Miller says they want to get the right capacity so they're doing some more engineering work.

"We're looking at Phase Two and we wanted to get some costs on that so we're just authorizing administration to go to Alberta Environment and Protected Ares for a bit more of an increase in what we wanted to put there so this will just allow us to go to Phase Two."

The plant is already approved for 1,000 cubic metres a day but Phase Two would virtually double that.

"Of course, there's a cost saving if you can do it large enough to begin with rather than having to do renovations a year down the road because you haven't built it to a larger capacity, so we're trying to nip that in the bud be proactive and we do have some potential users coming online, we think Phase Two is the appropriate step to take," Miller says.

There's no word on when a decision could come.