A driving kit could make the difference between a rough night of survival or a less desirable camping trip.

With the snow here to stay High Rivers' new Fire Chief Cody Zebedee is reminding drivers that being prepared for the worst is the best way to stay safe.

Zebedee says keeping some survival supplies in the car is an easy way to be prepared.

"A warm blanket, warm clothes, a light, flashlight, shovel, matches and some survival candles can help you in the worst situations."

Zebedee explains how something as simple as a phone charger could make the difference

"A more interesting item that you wouldn't think about is a phone charger, lots of emergency broadcasts come through the phone so having a charger is really helpful and if you need to call for help having a charged phone is a great tool to have."

Most situations where you would need your survival kit is in the time waiting for emergency response, Zebedee says

"Sometimes in situations where we can't respond as fast, big snow or rainstorms or some highways blocked off that kit will help you in the time waiting."

The High River Fire Department recommends planning your trip ahead of time, preparing your vehicle for the winter and giving yourself extra time on your trip

"We recommend you don't use cruise control during the winter because that control can cause your tires to spin and lose control."


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