High River Council has added about $100,000 to the capital budget for work being done on Centre Street through the town.

Deputy Mayor Jamie Kinghorn says they started out with a number they were happy with but, as always, things can change.

He says as things got stalled because of COVID-19 and other issues the numbers have come back and more money is needed.

"Some of the things we're cleaning up are the power line and pole in front of the Walker's building, that building actually belongs to the Museum of the Highwood, but we'll be cleaning that front up and it's just going to be a really attractive entryway into High River," he says.

With big firms like Telus, Shaw and Fortis involved in moving their lines, council wanted to make sure everything was done right the first time.

Mayor Craig Snodgrass said during last week's council meeting it was worth it to know that five years down the road they could look at it and know it was done properly the first time.


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