This past weekend was a busy, and exciting, one for the Polar Patrol! Friday night, Polar Patrol was out in Nanton for the kick off evening of Nanton Lights the Way. Friday night featured late night shopping across the downtown area, with tons of shops open until 9 p.m. offering different holiday specials and treats. It was a great opportunity to get some Christmas shopping done while supporting local businesses. Saturday was the Distinctly Nanton Craft Market, and there was also games and crafts on Main Street for the kids. There was free skating at the Tom Hornecker Recreation Center on Saturday and Sunday, as well as a Gingerbread House and Cook Bake-Off on Sunday. It was a busy weekend sure to get you in the holiday spirit!

Saturday morning, the Polar Patrol was at the High River Legion for the High River Legion Christmas Market. This was the market's second year running, and featured 20 tables of products from vendors, artists and businesses from the High River area. There was a fantastic turn out!

Saturday afternoon, the Polar Patrol headed off to Okotoks for the 2nd Annual Okotoks Dawgs Holiday Hoopla. This was a fantastic family event that took place in the Duvernay Fieldhouse beside Seaman Stadium. The players from the Okotoks Dawgs Academy teams were on hand to help the kids with games, crafts, a bouncy castle and an inflatable batting cage. This was also a great opportunity to check out the new Dawgs apparel in the Dawgs General Store, and to get some stocking stuffers such as season tickets and gift certificates. Staff and coaches were excited to welcome and give back to their fans and get them in the holiday spirit!