It will soon be time to hit the gridiron again for another season of spring football with the Big Rock Bengals.

The Bengals will be holding their registration Saturday at the Crescent Point Field House from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Bengals Head Coach Bruce Marlow says once you pay your fees for the season you won't have to shell out anymore cash after.

"Total fees for the year are $565 which includes all equipment, and travel from all games to Calgary," he says. "But $250 is required at registration."

Once registration is over Marlow says the Bengal's indoor training regiment will begin.

"We practice one time next week and then it's pretty two times a week all the way until the middle March, and we have a jamboree on March 24 and then the official season starts on March 31."

Marlow says the Big Rock Bengals not only gives potential grade 9-11 players more reps before their high school seasons in the fall, but also gives them a chance to work on their skills and possible try other positions to make them more versatile on the field.

"Because you usually play with your high school all season a long, this is a way to play with kids from all those other programs and possibly get a different position get some exposure to a little different way of playing football."

For more on the Bengals you can find their website here.