(Host Pro Kim Wilkowich)

Good Morning, it looks like a great day for good weather today. Yesterday was a little cool with a little rain here and there. I enjoyed the day at River 's Edge Golf course with the incredibly gifted ladies of the Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society. Dana Ormstrup and the gang did it up right with their golf tourney and River's Edge were fantastic hosts with a NY Steak to wrap up our day. Dana spoke at the end of the day and Kathy Beach
also talked about her work with an FFAS client who she has guided this past two years. The work FFAS do with young
people is fantastic and I was proud to be a part of the day.

Our group of Hank Ormstrup, Merle Jones, Karey a retired firefighting buddy of Hank's and myself ripped around the course with a -6 or 7 so we did not bad. The big bonus of the day was to raise awareness and have a fun day with FFAS and that was accomplished.

Speaking of Golf, High River's own Dan McIntosh an employee of River's edge Golf Course will be in the Final 8 tonight on the Golf Channel as a part of the Long Driver championships. This is Dan's first Final 8 on TV spot and I am sure all of High River and area including Mom and Dad Anne and Ron will be watching close at 6 mountain time.  Good luck Danny Smackintosh!

(Dan Smackintosh!)

Have an awesome Tuesday!
