Alberta Environment has extended their high stream flow advisories already in place for the Bow and Elbow Rivers to the Highwood and Sheep Rivers.

High River's Manager of Emergency Management Peter Genereux says with as much as 100 mm of rain forecast for the Foothills Region over the next 24 hours some flooding of low lying areas well outside of town is possible.

"Within the community if we do get a high volume of rain then we'll just see localized run-off and pooling of water within the community. But not really related to the river or any low lying flooding relating to the river."

Genereux, says we'll see the river levels go up, but not enough to pose a problem.

"The predictors are seeing we could see an increase of 1-to-1.5 metres on the river, if we do get that rain that they're forecasting. Even though we may see increases that way we're (river levels) actually on the bottom end of normal for us."

Genereux says the Town's River Monitoring signs will remain at "Normal" for the time being as the River was already running at the low end of normal for this time of year.

He says they may move it up to "Minor" later in the day if needed, but he says that's still far below any sort of flood stage.

Genereux says for up to date information to check the Town's Alert Page.

There's flooding on some streets in Cochrane Friday morning. It's not from flooding from the Bow River, just heavy rains backing up storm drains. Photo courtesy Terry Gheran.


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