Voting day is about two weeks away for this Spring's Provincial Election.

But those wanting to take advantage of advance polls can do so starting next week.

The Returning Officer for Elections Alberta for the Livingstone-Macleod Riding, Blanche Schellenberg, says there's always confusion over whether or not you're eligible to vote.

She says if you're registered, you'll get a "Where do I Vote Card" in the mail.

"That card will advise them of all of the advance polls and the election day areas they can vote at within their vicinity. Now, on election day voters will have to vote at a specific area where their polling station is. But for the advance polls, they can vote anywhere in the Province."

Schellenberg, says the biggest question they get is "What do I need to bring to vote?"

She says if you're registered, you'll need your voting card but if you don't have that don't worry.

"What will be required is a driver's license or some other form of ID, which shows a photo and their street address. If that ID doesn't have a street address or a legal land description then they will need to bring a second piece of ID just to show where their actual property is. A Telus bill, a property tax bill, that sort of thing."

She says even if you don't have the card, you can vote as long as you're registered.

It's easy to register by going to the "Are You Eligible To Vote In Alberta" page on the Elections Alberta Website, where you can register to vote or find out if you're already registered.

One really good change when it comes to voting in this year's Provincial Election, is the ability to vote at any advance polling location in the Province.

In the past you had to vote in your home riding for your preferred candidate, now, according to Schellenberg, at least for the advance polls, you can vote anywhere in the Province.

"You will give them your name, if you're already in the poll book they know already which location you are at. They will print out a ballot with your candidates names on it. You will mark you ballot and deposit it. Those are being tabulated in our Edmonton Office."

She says however on the actual voting day of Tuesday, April 16, your polling place will be specific and you'll have to vote there.

For people in the High River area, the advance polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. from Tuesday, April 9 to Saturday, April 13.

In High River you can cast ballots at the High River Full Gospel Church at 1802 9th Avenue S.E.

In Longview at the Longview Community Centre at 128 Morrison Road.

And in Nanton, at the Nanton Memorial Community Centre at 2204 18th Street.

For other locations around the Livingstone-Macleod Riding, go to the Elections Alberta Website.


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