Soon the school zone signs in Blackie, Cayley, and Millarville will all be bright yellow.

M.D. of Foothills Supervisor of Infrastructure and Public Works Jeff Ddington says some of the signs are no longer enforceable in their blue and white.

"We've found that there's issues with some of the signage being out of date. So we're just trying to bring them up to current standards. Instead of the old blue and white signs they'll be the new yellow and black signs with much more clearer deliniation of what your speed's supposed to be, what your time's supposed to be."

Edington says the signs need to be updated so officers can enforce tickets.

"So if the signs are out of date they're not enforceable. We need to bring these things up to date so the signage and everything is as clearly labelled as it should be according to the Highway Traffic Act. So that enforcement can go out there and when they give a ticket that can show that the signage was in place and that people should have been following the signage as it was laid out."

He says he'll get this out to the public works staff and things should happen within the next week or so.