While you and your family are trying to stay cool in this heat, don't forget about your pets.

Dr. Steven Dillon at the Highview Animal Clinic in High River says that hydration is key.

"Make sure they have plenty of access to water...and also try to restrict the amount of river water they are taking in." River water can contain different parasites that may affect your pet's health.

Dr. Dillon also reminds pet owners to be aware of your pet's environment while you are at work, or away from the house.

Things like running air conditioning units, keeping blinds closed and windows open, and keeping your pets in cooler areas of the house such as the basement, are all different things you can do to help keep your pet cool.

If your pet is outside during the day, set up a shady area in grassy areas to avoid burnt paws. If you are taking your pet with you in the car, make sure you leave your windows down and park in shade whenever possible.

Dr. Dillon also says that although pet clothing may be fashionable, it might not be worth it.

"Definitely no fashion accessories...that's no problem in the cooler weather but in weather like this, the dog is going to sweat quite profusely with that".

When it comes to cattle and other large farm animals, Dr. Dillon says it's important not to work them too hard during the hot afternoons and ensure they have access to plenty of clean water to avoid dehydration.


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