It was five years ago today, June 20, 2013, that what was at the time, the worst natural disaster in Canadian History hit High River.

Five years later, Mayor Craig Snodgrass says it's a different town, one that remembers, but one that has moved on from the flood.

"Yes, there's still work getting done and tag ends still getting fixed up. You look back at what we started with and where we are today and you know everybody in High River, the community, the volunteers, the NGO's, the government. We all came together to make it happen and we succeeded in doing it."

Snodgrass says even five years later it's tough to get out from under the stigma of being the "flood town," but it's something they've worked very hard to do.

"The internet is flooded with images of our community... Flooded. It's a massive battle when you're up against Google Images right? It's very challenging for a small community to go up against that. But they've done a fantastic job, and it's just moving on from all that flood stuff."

The Town has posted a pair of videos to their website to commemorate the flood, and to show how well the Town and it's citizens have recovered in the last five years.

The second video will be released soon.


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