Only two weeks into the month and the Foothills has already more than doubled our average snowfall amounts.

December saw a snowfall of 32 cm which was double the average of 16 cm, January brought 11 cm which was under the average of 15 cm, but February is making up for it with 36 cm already fallen just halfway through the month compared to the monthly average of 14 cm.

Environment Canada Meteorologist Dan Kulak, says these snowfall amounts are highly variable with areas south of the city likely having received more snow than recorded.

"We've had informal reports at Environment Canada that snowfall totals in portions of southern Calgary and towards the Okotoks area are significantly different than some of these recent storms that happened at the airport, the airport in some cases reporting half of what's been happening in southern parts of the city of Calgary and presumably a little bit further south towards the Okotoks area as well."

In terms of the temperature, the February average for the region is -5 but so far this month has averaged much cooler at -16.

These conditions are being attributed to the La Nina predictions Environment Canada made back in the fall resulting in more cold air, less chinooks, and any warm air that tries to move in from B.C. turning into more snow.

Kulak says this could all be foreshadowing what's to come.

"The long term averages show that March actually has more snow than February normally does, so every year has it's own personality, not every year is a La Nina, but the snow that we have now may be a sign of what's in store for the Spring months as we move into the time of year where it's even more likely on average to happen."


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