Foothills MP John Barlow isn't particularly impressed with Justin Trudeau's new plan for determining Supreme Court Justices.

The Prime Minister has set up a panel chaired by former Liberal Prime Minister Kim Campbell to come up with a list of candidates.

"Now he's circumnavigating parliament, so he's taking it out of the hands of elected individuals, putting it in the hands of his choice selection committee, just as he did with the Senate appointments, and this committee could come up with any suggestions that they want, but the Prime Minister still has the final say," Barlow says. "It's really a lot of show, I think it'll come down to what the Prime Minister wants."

He says it's pretty much the same as the Senate, where Alberta holds an election, but the Prime Minister isn't obliged to pick the winner.

"You could always hold an election for Supreme Court Judges, I don't think that's something that we're necessarily ready for, I don't know too many Canadians that have depth of knowledge on who our judges are, I certainly wouldn't know where to start on that," he says. "I think our first priority should be trying to reform Senate appointments, trying to have an elected Senate of some sort, that's something that we've been trying to do for a long time. We need other provinces to step on board with Alberta."

Barlow points to Mike Shaikh, Alberta's Senator In Waiting.