One Turner Valley Councillor is stepping down from his post to run for the vacant Mayors Chair.

Barry Crane says he's looking to fill the shoes of former Mayor Gary Rowntree who stepped down last week.

"With him stepping down, I think that's put my timeline ahead of my original intention of running for Mayor in the next term. So I think it's time for me to step up now and help lead this Council. We've gelled I think quite well as a new Council. I'm ready to take on the reigns, if the public has the will to allow me."

The Town will hold a byelection for both Mayor and Crane's vacant Council position on Monday, April 8.

Crane says having two byelection's at once saves money for the Town.

"Well, saves 10-grand. I mean, it's five thousand bucks a byelection, give or take."

He says the downside is it stops him from sitting on Council for a couple of months.

"It's a minimum two months, that I'll be off Council. So I'll attend the regular council meetings, but all my committee meetings will have to be filled by all the remaining Councillors. So, that puts a bit of stress on the five remaining to fill the voids that myself and Mayor Rowntree will have left."

Crane says he thought about taking a run at the Mayors chair in 2017, but figured he'd be better off doing another term as a Councillor first.


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