The federal Conservatives are calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to remain in the coalition fighting ISIS.

That includes local Foothills MP John Barlow, who like many, watched the Friday terrorist attack taking place in Paris.

"It's something that we've been concerned about but you never like to see this happen, an attack on innocent people enjoying an evening out, you know this is a tragedy obviously for Paris and the people of that city but also for the entire world," he says. "This is something all of us are mourning and I think all of us as Canadians and Albertans are sharing in the grief that's happening in Paris right now."

He says pulling out of the coalition wasn't a prudent decision before this latest attack and it's no more prudent now, after it's happened.

"I'm asking the Prime Minister to re-think two things, re-think us (Canada) pulling out of the coalition, as you're seeing what's going on in Turkey right now, the G20 leaders, they're talking about taking a harder stance on ISIS and the fight against ISIS and we're lone voice saying we're going to be pulling out our support for the coalition," Barlow says. "I think we have to take time when we're thinking about bringing these refugees to Canada, I think as Canadians we want to do our part, I don't think anybody questions that, I think what we are questioning is why the rush."

He says in the last several days he's heard from literally dozens of people who want Canada to remain in the coalition and step back on the issue of bringing in refugees.

Prime Minister Trudeau has said his government was elected on the promise of pulling out and that remains the plan.