We are in week 1 for the High River Wellness Challenge.  Team Peanut Butter Jelly Time here at the radio station is doing pretty good just a few days in.  We have picked a theme song to help us stay motivated.

 Not sure I can make it through six weeks of that....LOL But I am team player. 

Carol McMillan from McBride Career Group was on the show today to share some info with us about the challenge and encourage us to join her at the info session night on Monday.  We will learn about portion and correct serving sizes.  This is a free session open to the public...but for those of us in the challenge it will get you 5 points!  She also said the High River Wellness Challenge facebook page will also have daily tips and a place to join in conversation.

Making healthy choices becomes a little bit easier too with prepping and planning.  Found this website that I felt would be helpful for our lunchtime needs and for our kids.


Activity is also something to add into our daily lives. 

Kim from Narrow Road Home also popped in to talk about their upcoming Fun Run/Walk in June.

Start training for the run now and increase those activity points!!!

Happy Wellness Wednesday! ~Jody