Each Wednesday during the 7th Annual Community Wellness Challenge in High River we will have special tips for you on Wednesday mornings.

Even if you're not taking part in the challenge they will be useful to you....hopefully :)

Carol McMillan and Jody Seeley say DRINK MORE WATER

Carol is a member of the Community Wellness Challenge committee and personally loves to share and promote health and wellness in her community.  She's quite passionate about it!

Today we chatted about food portions and serving sizes.  You can learn more TONIGHT (April 12) at 7pm at the library and check out the challenge facebook page for pictures.

Carol's tip #1 is to ADD MORE WATER.  She recommends to help with your adjustment to proper serving sizes, drink a big glass of water before your meals.  It will help you to feel fuller AND increase your water intake.

Carol's tip #2 is to start using the 'salad' plate in your dish set as opposed to the dinner plate so you can "trick" yourself into thinking there is lots of food there.  Divide the plate to be 50% vegetables, 25% starch and 25% protein.

Carol's tip #3 is to have one night a week - vegetarian.  Like #MeatlessMondays to add more variety and give your body a meat break for digestion purposes.