I said it on Facebook the other day, "The end of the Calgary Expo feels like the end of a really great four day party."

Sure, you're sore and tired from slogging around Stampede Park for four days, but it's a little disappointing when it's all over.

The Expo is one of the things I look forward to all year.

For me at least, it's on par with the way I felt at Christmas when I was a kid.

Kind of a giddy anticipation, that rarely leaves me disappointed.

Such is the way of the nerd, right?

For me it's a chance to have some fun, I get to moderate a couple of panel discussions with comicbook creators or professional cosplayers.

I hooked up with my friends Alan and Larry Stanleigh, who for the last few years have been producing a series of graphic novels, called USNA.

The cool part is we've become such good friends, they've included me as a character in the comic.

My character is named Russ Salinger, or as his friends call him "Dr. Future."

USNA Artist, Francine Delgado and Letterer Christopher Barrett spent the weekend chatting with fans and producing original drawings.

I made my debut in last year's Book II of USNA II, but had a bigger role in the series finale in Book III this time out.

I won't spoil it for you, but my character plays a big role in saving Canada from the evil Americans!

The Expo is also a great place to get together with friends, some I see all the time, other's I don't see as often.

I kept a count this year and on the Thursday alone, I ran into 43 people I knew from High River, Okotoks, Nanton, Vulcan and Calgary.

Timothy Hills and Okotoks Patrick Nichol manning the USS King Edward Booth at the Calgary Expo

You see a bit of everything at the Expo, from people just taking in the sights and sounds, to those who go all out with some pretty amazing costumes.

And of course there's the celebrities who we're all dying to see.

My highlights this year were Colm Meaney from "Hell on Wheels" and of course "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."

Wallace Shawn, who really came to fame by saying one word "inconceivable" about 20 times in the "Princess Bride" was another big draw for me.

Mainly because of his role as "Grand Nagus Zek" in "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine."

If you can't tell, I'm a bit of a "Trek Geek!"

One of the surprises of Expo for me, was almost literally running into Ming Chen.

He's the diminutive clerk from the AMC "Reality" Series, "Comic Book Men."

A very nice man, who took a couple of minutes to chit-chat and posed for a photo with my wife and I.

Lydia and Russell Skeet, hanging out with "Comic Book Men" star, Ming Chen at the Calgary Expo on Saturday. I told him he was now an honourary Canadian thanks to that Tim Horton's cup in his hand!

Also on tap for me were panels with Meaney, two time Oscar nominee Jeremy Renner, former "Walking Dead" cast member Steven Yeun and of course the legendary Stan Lee, who at 94 made a return trip to Calgary and the behest of Calgary's own Todd McFarlane.

McFarlane who own's Image Comics, and a huge toy line grew up in the city, graduating from William Aberhart High School.

Us media types got about 30 minutes with him on the Saturday of Expo, where he dazzled us with his story of success in going up against the heavyweights of the industry in Marvel and DC.

He even spilled the beans about his new "Spawn" movie, which he says is written and ready to go.

He says he'll direct this one, after being a little disappointed with the first movie of his creation that came out back in 1997.

Even though it grossed just over $54 million, recouping it's $40 million budget, it was a critical flop.

McFarlane says when the new film is done, he'll debut it in Calgary, which was met with thunderous applause by a packed house in the Corral to hear him speak.

As always, I'm left looking forward to next year's Expo and who will be on hand.

Vulcan Tourism Administrator Shannon Clarke had a little fun in the booth Saturday as she pulled out one of her many "Starfleet" Uniforms.

For now, there's Vul-Con 2017, July 22 and 23, to look forward to with a bevy of "Star Trek" guest, plus more at a trio of events this year in Drumheller at the "Trekcetera" museum, who moved from their Vulcan home during the winter to the more tourist travelled badlands.

Those events run in June, September and October.

The best part for me, is I get to moderate all the panels, which means I get to hang with the celebs and ask them questions.

Always a pure "Geek" moment for me!