The Prime Minister is promising billions in aid for Canadian Post Secondary students.

Justin Trudeau says the Canadian Emergency Student Benefit is to help students who's post graduation or summer job prospects are disrupted by COVID-19.

He says that's not all there is for students.

"At the same time we will create new student jobs and double student grants among other things. All of these measures will add up to approximately $9 Billion.

Trudeau's new Canada Emergency Student Benefit will help to cover expenses for students either those just graduated from post secondary or those still in school.

"If you're a post secondary student right now. If you're going to college in September or if you graduated in December of 2019. It's there for you even if you have a job, but you're only making up to $1,000 a month. The period covered by the benefit will start on (Friday) May 1st. And your payments will be delivered through the Canada Revenue Agency."