There's still plenty of summer left for people to get out and explore High River.

Caitland Asmundson says the group Cycling Without Age has a pretty good way for seniors or those with mobility issues to get around, on one of their two "tri-shaws".

"I personally just have this connection to bringing this program to people in our community and making sure that every single person in our community has the experience of the right to wind in their hair and that is one of the values of Cycling Without Age," she says.

Passengers are seated in the front with a pilot at the back of the motor-assisted bike.

"We have about eight or nine, pilots they are called, and they are people who have volunteered their time to take people out in the community on these two tri-shaws," Asmundson explained.

Anyone wanting to go for a ride can contact Cycling Without Age through its Facebook page.


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