Residents in Foothills County are concerned by the growing numbers of potholes on County Roads.

Reeve for Foothills County, Larry Spilak says roads always remain an issue, but this year cold weather played a big part in road deterioration

"I spoke with our Public Works people yesterday about this, and we do have a problem this year. The problem is that the frost went so deep last winter, that it's caused an abnormal amount of frost heaves."

Spilak says they've put another crew on the case though, and wants residents to know that the issue is on their radar, but it will take time. 

"It is something that is being dealt with and it is on our priority list for public works. We've got another crew working on this just for that purpose so we'll catch up, it might take a while but we'll catch up and get them fixed!"

Spilak says rural roads can be a constant challenge for most county's, but for Foothills County road maintenance takes up about half of the county budget.

"Roads take over half of our budget already so what we do is move the dollars around, if we require more money for pot holes, then less money will go out for paving"

Spilak asks for patience from the public and caution when driving around work crews.


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