As the heatwave has startled to settle into the foothills, many residents will wonder how to keep their yards green during the hot temperatures.

Many municipalities across the foothills have an outdoor water schedule to help manage water supply levels.

The town of High River is currently at a Water Conservation level of Level 1: Normal. 

However, residents are encouraged to practice Level 2 water-wise strategies on a voluntary basis.

Level 2 entails:

-SW – Monday & Thursday.

-SE – Tuesday & Friday.

-NW/NE – Wednesday & Saturday.

Once the Town reaches Water Conservation Level 2 or 3, watering of lawns is only permitted between 5-10 a.m. and 7-11 p.m. on specific days for each area of town.

Hand watering of trees, shrubs, flowers and vegetable gardens is permitted at any time.

For more information on the outdoor watering schedule, click here.

Okotoks, Black Diamond and Turner Valley residents can water depending on their house number:

-Odd-numbered addresses can water their lawns on Thursdays and/or Sundays from 6- 9 a.m. or 7- 10 p.m. with automated irrigation to occur from 2-5 a.m. 

-Even-numbered addresses can water on Wednesdays and/or Saturdays from 6- 9 a.m. or 7- 10 p.m. with automated irrigation to occur from 2-5 a.m. 

Hand watering with a watering container, or a hose with a spring-loaded trigger spray nozzle, may be done at any time, any day of the week, to water flower beds and vegetable gardens or for newly planted trees or shrubs.

Find more information on the outdoor watering schedule for OkotoksBlack Diamond and Turner Valley.

To further conserve water, residents are encouraged to invest in rain barrels with hose attachments to water lawns and gardens and consider water-saving techniques.


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