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It is another day in the life of a radio veteran today, that sounds like

I do something that is really dangerous doesn't it?  The truth is my

job is not dangerous and I am ok with that, I salute those that have a 

dangerous day to day job.  Those jobs can be stressfull and rewarding 

for the right person.  Bull riding,  now there is a job I would find stressful

yet Chad Besplug (Claresholm Alberta's own) would find interviewing

more stressful than probably riding a bull.  I guess if you find something

that you are half good at and love to do that is what you should do.


For those that don't find what they want in life and are always searching 

for answers to be happy in life it makes it tough.  I just found out in the past

few days one of my childhood friends suffered from depression and passed

away at his home.  I feel sad inside and out for my ol' buddy Mike and those

that have felt those feelings over the years.  I encourage you to talk to

those around you if you have these issues my friend.  Please find someone

who will listen.  Another thought comes to mind in that you should align with

those in life who you can talk to if needed.  We gents have a tougher time

getting those feelings out I know but please try.


The Book, "The Happiness Equation" by  Neil Pasricha says that aligning 

with the right people in life helps you along your way to happiness.  I 

recommend that book to read if you need some positive thoughts.


In closing, please reach out and know that many care.


P.S.  Balloons make me smile, do what makes you smile and happy!



403-813-0061 (text or talk) I am here!!