(charlie post highschool)


So what is going on in this world today?  Shootings in Calgary

over the weekend left one dead and the tragic events in that

small Saskatchewan town have got me scratching my head.

Mental Illness is something we have to address with our family,

co-workers and maybe even from a school to school

perspective too.  These tragedies that occur, it seems

almost monthly surely can be avoided but where do we

start?  My Dad always said, "It all starts at home".  He

always told us that if we got in trouble at school there

would be even more to follow when we arrived home.

I grew up in the 60's with Captain Kangaroo and Crunch,

going to Grandma's after Church and spending most of

the daylight time that I could bouncing balls or throwing

them against the wall.  Now it seems most have different

forms of down time from computer games to staring at

a TV or texting on a phone for hours.


What does the average person need to do to start

that young person on the right track of life.  How do

we protect them without being over bearing and

detested?  We the parents do our best, the schools

do their best and I am sure the troubled children of the

world try their best to be good. 


Please talk to your children, value their opinion and

be a part of their lives.

