There were some serious problems with the water supply in Cayley on Monday, April 15.

Foothills County's Manager of Infrastructure Jeff Edgington says they have a major water line break just outside their water treatment plant.

"It's in such a location where we can't necessarily shut down and re-route the water around it. We have got ahold of Alberta Environment and notified them. They have given us some opportunity to connect hydrants within the Hamlet to do a bypass of this break while we repair it."

"So, we should be having a reduced pressure supply to the rest of the Hamlet, excepting Osler Street within the next couple of hours and then we'll be undertaking repairs as soon as our locates are done."

Edgington says the water could be off to the whole hamlet while they try to bypass it.

He says he can't give an estimate on how long it'll take to fix the break, until they can find it and dig it up to get a good look at it.


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