It's time to rally behind the Moms of the community.  As we get closer to Mother's Day we want to share in stories about things you've made for your Mom over the years.

Photo idea from pinterest.

We got onto the topic as Tara in our sales office was describing in detail the elephant shaped ashtray she made for her Mom when she was younger.  We laughed so hard sharing in these memories we thought YOU probably have some great ones too!  If you're a Mom - you've probably been given great gifts too!

For the next two weeks we want you sharing photos, stories and fun about the 'made-for-mom' items in your life. 

Listen to call in and share or post your stories and or photos to the Sun Country facebook or twitter with the #Maid4Mom and you have the chance to win $1500 worth of prizes for your Mom!

Plus you can email us

Including cleaning service for a year with Tamed Rose Residential & Commercial Cleaning in High River!

Plus we have other amazing prizes up for grabs for Moms from Canadian Tire High River, Forge & Facet Jewellers, Timothy Fred's in High River, Sobey's Okotoks, Papa John's in High River, Cottonwood Bridal and Formals, Canadian Rockies International Rodeo and Music Festival and Studio 86 Tanning in Strathmore.

Happy Mother's Day!