As you might expect, the Livingstone Landowners Group was very happy when the joint Federal-Provincial review panel recommended that the Grassy Mountain coal mine project be denied.

Bobbi Lambright with the group says the companies are vowing to fight on, but the panel's conclusions were pretty forceful.

"It's probably a little concerning for everyone now because there is still some uncertainty and I think the companies are trying to figure out what they do next which, of course, will influence what work lies ahead of the rest of us," she says.

"But on the positive side, the recommendation seems to be quite clear in terms of the adverse environmental impacts that would result with the project of Grassy Mountain and there was a lot of details in that document so we are hopeful that in fact the risks have been clearly identified and will keep projects like Grassy from proceeding."

Groundwater released by the road cutting into the hill, filled with sediment, and now washing out the roadbed. Photo credit: Kevin Van Tighemvia Livingstone Landowners Group (Facebook.)

The federal environment minister Jonathan Wilkinson has said any projects that will produce selenium will have to undergo a full review.

"On the flip side you still have Montum Resources, which is proposing the Tent Mountain project saying they are awaiting a formal announcement from the federal government on whether or not there will be a review of their Tent Mountain project," Lambright says.

"There's a lot of back and forth happening right now, it appears by the statements that have been made by the minister that his intent is to do a federal review and I guess the proof will be when he comes out with his formal decision with respect to Tent Mountain and Montum Resources."

Groundwater released by the road cutting into the hill, filled with sediment, and now washing out the road bed. Photo credit: Kevin Van Tighem via Livingstone Landowners Group (Facebook.)

The federal minister has also said thermal coal mines no longer fit in the federal government's climate action plans.


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