(photo:Tommy's Boy turns the Checker Boards on his home track)


Who is ready for the show?  It's The Chuck's kicking off the night at 7 tonight with Rodeo firing

up tomorrow at 5 with the Chuck's to follow.  Drew Gregory is in town to play Friday and Saturday Night

for entertainment and we just need you to kick your heels and join the party.  Camping is available all

weekend for a small charge and details are available at The Ag Society.  Pancake breakfasts and other

surprises will be apart of this years fun.  Check highriveronline.com for details.  Merchants always have

great sales downtown and someone on the street can lead you were you need to go if you get lost.  I

talked to a couple who are camping at George Lane Park and make their way here for Guy Weadick Days

every year from Minnesota.


Enjoy the fun folks.


Charlie Brown