After watching all the fun of High River Spring Ball and seeing first hand the amazing young people of our community....I was taken by this post I saw on facebook this week from Sue Mueller of Coco Lux.

"Being in the beauty industry and hearing about all the exciting things happening like spring ball, proms, graduations, weddings....
I also hear sad stories as well as with our economy not so promising and some students losing their jobs or parents loss of makes this a little stressful. I refuse to hear that someone is NOT. Going because they have nothing to wear or cannot afford it. Having a closet with some gowns that I can picture on some of these gals, I have offered. I unfortunately do not have that many and would like to ask anyone who might have a dress to lend or give away to bring to Coco Lux and we will have something special as a thank you for helping making these girls smile. I do not have lots of time, and would hope the dresses would be clean and ready for grad runway. I also have had offers of shoes and costume jewellery. Let's not leave those handsome boys out. My son is also graduating and I do know that the gowns are not the only pricey details. I only have 2 small racks but can also take some nice suits. Anything that remains leftover will go to our local Salvation Army if not a loaner."

You know it's not always easy for all families.  And with people losing jobs and the uncertainty of our economy - grad could be really hard this year for some.  How many of us have dresses, jewellery or suits in our closet that we no longer wear or are "saving" for something else.  Maybe that "saving" you feel is right now for a student who needs it!

In fact...confession time...back when I was in grade 12 people in my community and class gave me a hand.  My Mom was a single Mom of three and we had moved recently and money was tight.  My fellow classmates saw there was a need in our family and they stepped up to the plate to help.  I have never been more grateful to those amazing souls in my life and I will never forget how they made my grad.  There is a student RIGHT NOW in our community that needs our help....and it's not easy to ask....most people won't.  (I share my own story only to highlight that this need is there you may not know about and the student you help will be forever grateful.)

So let's step up to the plate and make grad 2016 the best one yet for EVERYONE!

A sample of dresses donated at Coco Lux

Bring your donations to Coco Lux Beauty Bar Spa & Tanning in High River during their regular business hours.

Taya, Austen, Jody Seeley and Sue Mueller

These fine folks want you to know that if you are feeling shy or afraid or have reservations - not to worry.  Everything will be confidential.  Just send Sue a message on facebook or pop into the spa for more information.  You can even let her know about someone who needs some help who may be to intimidated to come forward.

***Note - I think it's super cool when people in our community see a need and jump up to make it happen.  Not just talking about it, not just posting a note on social media, not just getting a petition or whatever. ACTUAL ACTION. That's what community is all about.  Way to go Sue, Taya & Austen!