Monday was a super-cool day!  Vince D'eon came into visit us on the show.  Vince and I have been twitter pals for the past year...and that's where I heard about the efforts the Foothills Amateur Radio Society did for our community during the flood.  A story we wanted you to hear too. 

Vince D'Eon and Jody Seeley

It was a pleasure to speak with Vince and hear how over 55 ham radio operators gave up their time to help us during the disaster last year when all communication lines were down.  These amazing folks will be recognized in a special meeting on Tuesday June 17th in High River.  THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!

An example of some of the equipment Vince uses.

The story is amazing, this local society is amazing.  Check them out at and hear our morning chat with Vince here