Now that the hustle and bustle of the Holidays is finished, folks around town are stopping to catch their breath, and to reflect on 2016.

Town Councillor Ed Sands is among those who think that 2016 was a tough year, but a good one for Okotoks.

Sands says while taking some time to reflect he thinks his greatest achievement this year is our recycling.

"I think what I'm most proud of accomplishing in 2016 is our universal recycling and organics program." Sands adds "It was actually a culmination of about 2 years of planning and discussions. Some folks thought it was a crash thing that we threw in at the last minute."

Although 2016 saw a new eco centre built, and the introduction of our new compost bins it didn't come without hard lessons for council and residents alike.

Sands says he learned quite a bit about communication this year, and that the sooner communication happens in the community - the better.

"I think we learned that we have to communicate earlier in the process and just because you're saying things doesn't mean people are listening. So, I think we as council need to engage our community in more meaningful ways."

Like most residents Sands plans taking the lessons he's learned into 2017 and use his new skills to improve progress on the up and coming town projects on our horizons.

"What I want to implement is communication programs to make sure that the new folks specially in our annexed area feel like they're regular Okotokians, that they belong here and that they have a place here." Sands says "I want to make sure that once approved, the annexations move forward smoothly and the necessary communication continues to happen."

The town expects annexation approval to happen shortly into the new year.

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