Bow Valley College just announced Friday morning (Sept. 10) that they will be requiring all students and employees to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 if coming to campus in person.

That includes the campuses in Okotoks and High River.

According to media relations officer Shannon van Leenen, they will be offering rapid testing for unvaccinated individuals up to and including Oct. 22, and will be sending out more details soon.

"After October 22, the rapid testing option will go away, and all students and employees are required to be vaccinated to be at our campuses," explained van Leenen in a follow-up email.

Students and employees will need to use an online tool to submit proof of two doses of a Health Canada-approved COVID vaccine administered at least two weeks before Oct. 22.

Their media statement says they'll be accommodating exemptions, but didn't offer details on what those exemptions will mean for students and employees.

"Exemptions to these requirements will be made for medical reasons or other protected grounds under the Alberta Human Rights Act."

They explained the reasoning behind their decision in the statement.

"After careful consideration, overwhelming feedback, and scientific evidence that strongly supports the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines, we have decided that vaccinations are essential in keeping our college community safe and healthy."

Masks are still required, and campuses are still closed to the general public until further notice.

In-person events won't be happening until at least Nov. 1.

All employees will be working remotely unless required and approved to be on campus by their dean or director.

Those allowed on campus are asked to stay only as long as required and to social distance where possible.


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