Don't expect Foothills MP John Barlow to be signing off on the "Buffalo Declaration" anytime soon.

He says he's not against it, but it's not for him.

"I think it's an interesting discussion paper. I wouldn't say I agree with everything that's in it there. There are some things I have concerns with but it's a starting point to have a debate on what's going on."

Four Alberta MP's including Michelle Rempel-Garner, signed off on the declaration which is a manifesto written by the four, stating Alberta isn't an equal partner in confederation, isn't recognized as culturally distinct, is isolated from power and is treated like a colony.

Barlow says he understands the anger, but he can't focus on that.

"I want to focus on unity. I want to focus on keeping this country working together. I don't think we're at the point right now to be talking about division. That doesn't get us anywhere, certainly as a province or as the Conservative Party either. I think Albertans want to work. They want to contribute. And that's what we need to focus on."

Reception to the declaration has been a mix of mockery and agreement over what many feel are legitimate concerns.


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