A very special event took place at the Bar U Ranch National Historic Site today!

The Friends of the Bar U Historic Ranch celebrated the 20th anniversary of the first opening day.

A big accomplishment for everyone at the Bar U Ranch. Today's event was packed with fun events.

Visitors could try homemade Bannock and see how it was made years ago!

MP John Barlow was also on the grounds this morning to make a Parks Canada Press Announcement. For more information

In the afternoon, The Bar U Ranch served up some cupcakes and ice cream which everyone enjoyed, including myself!

Lots of festivities were happening today, including a Dance remonstration from the Blackfoot Nation.

Between the Cookhouse and the Saddle-horse Barn, the Blackfoot Dancers gave all the Bar U Ranch visitors a memorable performance.

WOW was at the Bar U Ranch today too! Giving away tons of prizes including coupons, day passes, freebees and more!!

Upcoming Bar  U Ranch special events include

August 1st - Trail Ride

August 9th - Old Time Ranch Rodeo

September 6 - Chore Horse Competition

~ Megan