Although the snow has delayed harvest, Vulcan County's Ag Fieldman says the moisture for pastures may be a bonus to this damp Fall.

Kelly Malmberg says, they never had a killing frost until the end of September.

"What I noticed in September is we had a lot of moisture and it was warm, like really not freezing, so there was a lot of regrowth which I think gave a lot of reprieve for some of those cattle guys. They were able to see some regrowth come from the moisture and are grazing cattle longer than they usually would."

Malmberg says, a lot of straw was baled up this year.

"Pea straw's got some value to it, and I've even heard that they're even baling canola straw for bedding. Feed is going to be a big issue this year."

He says, all the moisture out in Vulcan County only adds up to about an inch and a half, but the moisture is welcomed.

Malmberg says, the moisture and snow is problematic for grain farmers still waiting to get their crops off.


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